Works > Post-Révolution

Post-Révolution (1849-2019)
Post-Révolution (1849-2019)
160x85cm, 160x92cm, 160x85cm (including artist's frames)

1. Sledgehammer

2. Wooden clog with leather strap

3. Pewter ragout spoon, marked “Paris” on verso
Attributes featured in The Stonebreakers by Gustave Courbet (1849)
France, 19th century

4. Ceres 20 centimes black (canceled)
First French postage stamp, depicting Ceres, Roman goddess of plenty
France, Second Republic, 1849

5. Envelope with imprinted 5 silver groschen stamp
First postal stationery of Prussia, depicting King Frederick William IV
Prussian Kingdom/German Confederation, 1850

6. Balloon-mail postcard
From siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War
France, Third Republic, 1870

7. “Bordeaux issue,” Ceres 80 centimes carmine (canceled)
Issued by French government in exile during siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War
France, Third Republic, 1870

8. Field-post correspondence card
First German postcard, issued during Franco-Prussian War
North German Confederation, 1870-71

9. “Tirage de la Commune,” Ceres 20 centimes blue (canceled)
Only Ceres stamp issued by the Paris Commune
France, 1871

10. Ceres 10 centimes brown (canceled)
Last Ceres issue of the 19th century
France, Third Republic, 1875

11. Postal stationery card, 5 pfennig
Deutsche Reichspost
Germany, Second Reich, 1875

12. Lithograph of The Stonebreakers by Gustave Courbet
From L'Art Français (1789-1889), official publication for 1889 Exposition Universelle, Paris
France, Third Republic, 1889

13. Postal stationery card, 5 pfennig
Deutsche Reichspost
Germany, Second Reich, 1900

14. “Cinderella stamp” (canceled)
Promotional stamp featuring Ceres, printed for Exposition Philatelique Internationale, Paris
France, Third Republic, 1900

15. Collection A. Binant, Tableaux Objets d'Art Et d’Ameublement
Catalog from estate sale of Alfred Binant (first photographic reproduction of The Stonebreakers)
France, Third Republic, 1904

16. Katalog der königlichen Gemäldegalerie zu Dresden
Illustrated museum catalog, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden (owner of The Stonebreakers from 1904)
Wilhelm und Bertha von Baensch Stiftung, Dresden (est. 1848)
Germany, Second Reich, 1912

17. Meister der Farbe 124 (Courbet, Koberstein, Guillonnet, Hofmann, Trübner, Menn)
Portfolio of color reproductions, E. A. Seemann Verlag, Leipzig (est. 1858)
Germany, Second Reich, 1914

18. E. A. Seemans Künstlermappen 71, Gustave Courbet
Portfolio of eight color reproductions, E. A. Seemann Verlag, Leipzig
Germany, Weimar Republic, 1924

19. 100 reichsmark stock certificate
Issued by R. Frister Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin
Germany, Weimar Republic, 1929

20. Typewritten claims letter for reichsmark 31.50
Filed to Charlottenburg district court by von Baensch Stiftung (“Mit deutschem Gruß”)
Germany, Third Reich, 1933

21. Copy of invoice for an order of 5000 postcards
Submitted by Wilhelm und Bertha von Baensch Stiftung to Charlottenburg district court
Germany, Third Reich, 1933

22. Universal-Pinakothek aller Zeiten
Product catalog of color reproductions, Verlag Meister der Farbe (Seemann & Co), Leipzig
Germany, Third Reich, 1933

23. PEXIP Ceres 5 centimes blue/brown, 15 centimes red/carmine, 30 centimes ultramarine/carmine, and 50 centimes red/brown (canceled)
From limited-edition miniature sheet issued for PEXIP Philatelic Exhibition, Paris
France, Third Republic, 1937

24. Color postcard of The Stonebreakers by Gustave Courbet
Wilhelm und Bertha von Baensch Stiftung, Dresden
Germany, first half of 20th century

25. Block of four Ceres 2.25 franc ultramarine (canceled)
Printed on 16 March 1939 (German invasion of Czechoslovakia)
Overprinted 1 franc in 1940
France, Third Republic, 1939/1940

26. Color postcard of The Stonebreakers by Gustave Courbet with Gemäldegalerie stamp
Wilhelm und Bertha von Baensch Stiftung, Dresden
Germany, first half of 20th century

27. Cash-on-delivery card
From E. A. Seemann Verlag to Hans Pfleger bookstore, Metz (Alsace-Lorraine)
German-Occupied France, 1941

28. Sign-of-Life card, blank (canceled)
Issued by German Reichspost Ministry to survivors of Allied bombing raids
Germany, Third Reich, 1943-45

29. Two blocks of four “Ceres Mazelin” 80 centimes green (canceled)
Printed on 13 and 14 February 1945 (bombing of Dresden, destruction of The Stonebreakers)
Provisional French Republic, 1945

30. Color postcard of The Stonebreakers by Gustave Courbet
Wilhelm und Bertha von Baensch Stiftung, Dresden
Germany, first half of 20th century

31. Handpainted textile armband
Issued for workers at the von Baensch Druckerei, Dresden
Germany, Soviet occupation zone, 1945-46

32. Typewritten letter of character reference (“Persilschein”)
On behalf of Gemäldegalerie preparator Hans Loos, signed by Max Hahn,
restorer at Kupferstich-Kabinett, Dresden, 1 May 1946
Germany, Soviet occupation zone, 1946

33. Typewritten statement of anti-fascist acts (“Persilschein”)
Signed by Max Hahn, restorer at Kupferstich-Kabinett, Dresden
Germany, Soviet occupation zone, 1946

34. E. A. Seemans Künstlermappen 71, Gustave Courbet
Portfolio of eight color reproductions, E. A. Seemann Verlag, Leipzig
Germany, Soviet occupation zone, 1947

35. CITEX Ceres 10 franc vermilion, and strip of Ceres 15 and 25 franc in red and dark blue (canceled)
Ceres 100th anniversary, issued for CITEX Centenary Stamp Exhibition, Paris
France, Fourth Republic, 1949

36. Booklet from E. A. Seemans Künstlermappen 71, Gustave Courbet (1947)
“Werden auch die Zeiten noch schlimmer, das schönste bleibt die Freundschaft immer”
Signed Fritz Richter, 13 October 1949 (six days after proclamation of GDR)
German Democratic Republic, 1949

37. Louis Argon, Das Beispiel Courbet
VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden (conglomerate including von Baensch Druckerei, est. 1952)
German Democratic Republic, 1956

38. Color postcard of The Stonebreakers by Gustave Courbet
VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden
German Democratic Republic, 1960

39. Direct mail envelope
From VEB Verlag der Kunst to all VEBs (Publicly Owned Enterprises) in the GDR
German Democratic Republic, 1963

40. Kostbarkeiten aus Bildergalerien, 3. Folge
Portfolio of color reproductions from broadcast series, Radio DDR/VEB E. A. Seemann, Leipzig
German Democratic Republic, 1970

41. Color postcard of The Stonebreakers by Gustave Courbet
VEB E. A. Seemann Verlag, Leipzig
German Democratic Republic, 1971

42. ARPHILA ’75 4 franc red/black, and 32 franc tricolored airmail stamp (canceled)
Featuring detail of 1849 black Ceres head, and “stamp-on-stamp” of 1849 light brown Ceres
Issued for ARPHILA ’75 International Stamp Exhibition, Paris
France/French Polynesia, Fifth Republic, 1975

43. Color postcard of The Stonebreakers by Gustave Courbet
VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden
German Democratic Republic, 1978

44. Philexfrance ’89, 42 Stotinki (canceled)
Featuring “stamp-on-stamp” of 1849 light brown Ceres
Issued for Philexfrance ’89 International Stamp Exhibition, Paris
People's Republic of Bulgaria, 1989

45. Postal stationery envelope with imprinted Ceres 20 centimes black
Featuring illustration of 1849 Ceres on computer chip for 150th anniversary of French stamps
France, Fifth Republic, 1999

46. Block of 3 franc 150th anniversary Ceres (canceled)
Featuring “stamp-on-stamp” of 1849 Ceres in red and black
Issued for Philexfrance ’99 International Stamp Exhibition, Paris
France, Fifth Republic, 1999

47. CD-ROM, Thieme-Becker/Vollmer, Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon
E. A. Seemann Verlag, Leipzig (re-privatized 1990, Seemann Henschel GmbH & Co since 2003)
Federal Republic of Germany, 2008

48. Sheet of 20 Ceres 0.88 euro black (canceled)
Ceres 170th anniversary, printed 11 February 2019, stamped 14 March 2019
France, 2019

49. Silk handkerchief
Charvet Place Vendôme, Paris (est. 1838)
France, first half of 21th century